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IPv6-related links

Seit vielen Jahren ist IPv6 nicht nur bei den Entwicklern bekannt, so dass es aussichtslos wäre, alle Websites hier auflisten zu wollen. Daher hier eine noch nicht sortierte (und teilweise noch nicht gewichtete) Auswahl.

RIPEIPv4 - Running Out of Time? 
www.kame.netKAME Project (recommended viewing: with IPv6 enabled :)
The KAME Project is a joint effort of six companies in Japan to provide a free IPv6 and IPsec (for both IPv4 and IPv6) stack for BSD variants to the world. 
www.ipv6tf.deIPv6 Task Force Germany
www.freenet6.netfree IPv6 connectivity [allerdings sind sowohl Prefix als auch die DNS-Sachen a little bit outdated ...][commercial] IPv6 Deployment Today
www.ipv6council.comGerman IPv6 Council
join.uni-muenster.deJOIN - Das IPv6-Projekt am Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
www.liberouter.organ IPv6 and IPv4 router based on the standard PC architecture and reliable operating systems - NetBSD, FreeBSD and Linux 6bone Webserver List
www.ipv6.orgIPv6 Information Page IPv6 HOWTO
www.ipv6-net.orgDas deutsche IPv6 Forum (Mitglied der IPv6 Task Force Germany)
Heise Newsticker 2004-06-07Das chinesische IPv9: aufgeblähtes ENUM als Papiertiger's IPv6 Page
www.6net.org6NET is a three-year European project to demonstrate that continued growth of the Internet can be met using new IPv6 technology. The project has built a native IPv6-based network connecting sixteen countries in order to gain experience of IPv6 deployment and migration from existing IPv4-based networks. This is being used to extensively test a variety of new IPv6 services and applications, as well as interoperability with legacy applications.
debdev.fabbione.netDebian - The experimental IPv6 archive
MSDNGetting Started with the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
MSDNFrequently Asked Questions about the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 IPv6 FAQ of the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP
www.dhcpv6.orgdiscussion forum, announcements & distribution platform for open DHCPv6 implementations
HP von B. StockebrandTools zur automatischen Registrierung von IPv6-Adressen im DNS via TSIG Microsoft Research IPv6
HP von P. BieringerDie wohl bekannteste private Website zum Thema IPv6, vom Author des Linux IPv6 HOWTO
win6.jpIPv6 related works (Microsoft Windows) by Jun-ya KATO, recommended by the MSRIPv6-Team
playground.sun.comSun's IPv6 playground
MSRIPv6-docsConfiguring Microsoft Research IPv6
MSRIPv6-docsConfiguring 6to4 Connectivity with Microsoft Research IPv6
Microsoft TechNetTeredo, the IPv4 network address translator traversal for IPv6
Microsoft Windows Server SystemInternet Protocol Version 6