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IPv6 | misc

alles unsortiert, quasi ...



supported OS

N/A means: not included and no third-party implementation found yet
MSRIPv6 means: there is an implementation from MS-Research, but this is incomplete (virtually no support for mobile IPv6, IPsec and such IPv6-related features)
be aware: the Microsoft Research IPv6 implementation (MSRIPv6) differs from the releases in WinXP, W inServer2003 and newer products


URLs im Browser: z.B. http://[2001:...:1](see also: RFC2732).
unsorted MAC -> Interface-ID:
1. MAC == MAC + 02:00:00:00:00:00 (The Universal/Local bit, the second low-order bit of the first byte of the MAC address, is complemented. If it is a 1, it is turned to 0, and if it is a 0, it is turned to 1.) 2. I/F-ID == uuvv:wwFF:FExx:yyzz
3. link-local-address == FE80::uuvv:wwFF:FExx:yyzz
example: 00:50:DA:51:AE:06 -> fe80::250:daff:fe51:ae06

Ne das ist das alte "nibble format" das so funktionierte wie Reverse DNS bei IPv4 und es sollte das einzigste sein was unter "*" unterstützt wird. Unter ARPA sollte imho das alte "nibble format" und das neue "Bitstring Format" funktionieren... Nur wie gesagt... es geht ned... achim Windows: - ipv6 install - ipv6 uninstall - bei Version ab ... (XP SP1?) direkt in Netzwerkeinstellungen "Internetverbindungsfreigabe" scheint das router advertisement für IPv6 zu aktivieren
(echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/forwarding) echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra IPv6 default gw loeschen (z.B. wenn keine Connection ins "Internet6": ip route delete ::/0 RA:
  1. Client auto-config mit link-local-address (FE80::llll/10), mit duplicate address detection im lokalen Netz
  2. Router sendet RA (Router Advertisements), enthält Prefix (pppp::/64) und default-gateway
  3. Client bildet aus link-local-address und dem RA seine global gültige Adresse (pppp::llll)
deb unstable main non-free contrib deb-src unstable main non-free contrib 6to4: packets with the following characteristics should not be allowed as valid 6to4 packets, and some firewalling seems to be justified for them: unspecified v4 source/destination address: loopback address in outer (v4) source/destination: IPv4 multicast in source/destination: limited broadcasts: subnet broadcast address as source/destination: depends on your v4 setup Kernel: Networking options The IPv6 protocol:yes IPv6: enable EUI-64 token format:yes IPv6: disable provider based address: yes When pinging a link-local or site-local address, it is recommended to specify the scope-ID to make the destination address unambiguous. The notation to specify the scope-ID is address%scope-ID. For link-local addresses, the scope-ID is equal to the interface number as displayed in the ipv6 if command. For site-local addresses, the scope-ID is equal to the site number as displayed in the ipv6 if command. For example, to send Echo Request messages to Host B using scope-ID 4, use the following command: ping6 fe80::260:97ff:fe02:6ea5%4
TO-DO: eMails, News, IPv6-Verz., Papierkrams, summit, BigSister, Hauptseminar, ahzf's Dinge